Horizontal Triforta logo with a purple and blue triangle on a white background .



What's in a name?

"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just a sweet.”

Or so wrote William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, promoting his belief that the naming of things is irrelevant. Though we are certainly not an organization of prodigious, prolific poets, Triforta humbly disagrees with the Bard. We believe names matter (a lot). That names contain meanings, that they are relevant, always. And just last year we needed a name for our newly unveiled, recently launched proprietary platform—and we needed it quick but it had to be better than good. It had to be great.

What's in a name?

"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”

Or so wrote William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, promoting his belief that the naming of things is irrelevant. Though we are certainly not an organization of prodigious, prolific poets, Triforta humbly disagrees with the Bard. We believe names matter (a lot). That names contain meanings, that they are relevant, always. And just last year we needed a name for our newly unveiled, recently launched proprietary platform—and we needed it quick but it had to be better than good. It had to be great.

a group of people are sitting around a table with laptops.

Great product names become brands. Some brands become iconic.

In our crowded, global marketplace, names—if done well—become brands. Some become iconic brands. Like Nike, which was originally not a running shoe but the Greek goddess of victory. (Makes sense, no?) 

A purple gear with an orange circle in the background.

Microsoft is an amalgamation of the words microcomputer and software.

A computer monitor with gears and a wrench on it.

Cisco is an abbreviation for San Francisco, where the IT company was founded.

A purple cup of coffee with steam coming out of it is in a purple circle.

Starbucks is named after ‘Starbuck,’ a character from Moby-Dick. (No. We don’t know why Moby-Dick. Perhaps because the company was founded in a seaside city?) 

A purple apple with an orange circle around it.

And Steve Jobs dubbed his company Apple for no other reason than he really, really, really liked apples. (Really. There is no deeper meaning to the name of the world’s most profitable corporation!)

The suspense is killing me!

Want to learn as much as possible about Triforta’s proprietary insurance policy distribution lifecycle platform as soon as possible? And would you rather see it than read about it? No problem. We can do that! 


Open minds open to all monikers…

Triforta had worked so hard for so many years to bring its proprietary platform to fruition we were determined to take as much time as needed to christen it. Realizing that brand names are adopted from infinite sources, we mulled all possibilities. We seriously considered every idea from our team members. We sincerely contemplated the monikers presented by our partner agencies. And we listened carefully to advice offered by branding specialists. And like most creative endeavors, one door opened several more doors. And walk through them all we did, with open minds and curious dispositions.

a person is holding a pen in front of a map.
a man is sitting at a desk using a laptop computer.

…captivated by a man with strangest name of all: Anaximander. 

Many of the doors we opened led us farther and farther into the past until we found ourselves in ancient Greece, on the precipice of civilization. There, one of the first philosophers, Anaximander, dwelled. And though we have zero idea how to correctly pronounce his name, we stuck with this dude because he was smart. As in unreal super smart. Anaximander proposed that the first humans had once been fish—two millennia before Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution! And Anaximander was one of the first philosophers to offer an origin theory. He believed all things originated not from a God or the Gods but from what he called Apeiron—‘that which is boundless.’ 

A purple and white geometric shape with an orange circle in the middle.

Apeiron, the concept: Limitless. Eternal. Always originating.

Apeiron is made of two Greek words: ‘A’ meaning ‘without’ and ‘peri’ meaning ‘fence.’ Meaning it is limitless, without borders. Apeiron is eternal, ageless, spatially infinite; it exists beyond our world, is eternally in motion, and it’s from this boundless entity all things on earth originate. Upon learning that, in 21st century America, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, inspirational lightening struck down on Triforta! Like the 49ers who discovered gold in the hills we today call home, we, too, hit a vein of gold. A vein of golden inspiration. 

Our platform, with its true open API architecture, is virtually limitless. Our platform, with its ability to automate and integrate workflows, creates (or originates) new, streamlined processes. And our platform, with its generative learning capabilities, is unfenced and free to keep creating. 

Triforta worked so hard for so many years
to bring its proprietary platform to fruition
we were determined to take as much time
as needed to christen it.

two women are standing next to each other looking at a whiteboard.
A purple and orange logo with a sun in the background

Adopting and adapting Apeiron.

We finally uncovered the foundation of our platform’s name. Yet we knew we had to add a twist, to transform Apeiron into something truly and solely Triforta’s. So we played with dozens of prefixes and suffixes and after a little fiddling with this and a little fiddling with that, Apeironix revealed itself to us! Quickly and without hesitation, we researched existing company and product names and nowhere on this planet was an Apeironix. Needless to say, we grabbed it and we’ve been clutching it ever since! Apeironix. Boundless. 

We are Triforta.

Apeironix, the platform: Infinite. Flexible. Always advancing.

Today there is an Apeironix; it’s Triforta’s proprietary insurance policy lifecycle distribution platform. There is so much to be said about the technological prowess of our platform that a single website cannot say it all. But we tried. Throughout this website we’ve done our best to share some of the most potent virtues and a few of the most powerful, pertinent capabilities of Apeironix. An overview of the platform provides a sweeping, bird’s eye view of Triforta’s powerful technology. 

An icon of a light bulb surrounded by gears and a sun.
A purple icon of a handshake with an orange circle in the background.

Apeironix: Exclusively for Triforta equity partners and partner agencies…

If you’re an agency owner who is open to joining forces with Triforta, you will have unlimited access to Apeironix—without the need for a dedicated IT staff and with its easy drop-and-drag interface there is no need know coding to operate and even customize the platform to meet your organization’s unique needs and singular processes! We’ve shared key feature and functionalities, which you can discover here!

A purple icon of a server , gears , and a graph.

…and partner agency producers!

And if you’re an insurance man (or woman) through-and-through, and if you love nothing more than chasing down new clients and closing deals, Apeironix was developed to increase, exponentially, earnings potential in multitudinous ways. From lead preservation and quote generation to data analytics, web-based client payment options, and more, Triforta’s proprietary platform turbocharges producers’ productivity and increases profits. Apeironix was designed and developed, in fact, with producers top of mind. Click here to learn more

Let’s talk Triforta partnerships.

Now that you’ve learned a little bit about Triforta’s proprietary platform, Apeironix, and now that you know that this technology is available only to our equity partners and partner agencies, perhaps you’re ready to learn the benefits of belonging. Right now, we’re steeped in acquisition mode and Triforta CEO and founder, Rodney Mattos, is eager to meet new righteous agency owners. 

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