Horizontal Triforta logo with a purple and blue triangle on a white background .


We are Triforta.

Integrity is our middle name. 

Nobility is our game.

Good enough is never, ever good enough.

We stop striving when we surpass superior. 

Doing right and always doing our best is our way, every day.


Our values define us.

We Are Partners

We are a team of teams. We are community. We are colleagues, often friends, in a meritocracy. We shun hierarchies to operate horizontally and that means we share in our productivity’s riches. We distribute, fairly, our agency’s equity. We strive to help every stakeholder achieve real prosperity and lifelong financial security. A team of teams. That’s us. That’s who we are.

a purple icon of a handshake with an orange circle in the background.
Growing person

We Are Passionate

We inhale clients’ unique needs and aspirations. We exhale customized data-driven, human-centric solutions across the insurance spectrum. We know insurance better than we know the backs of our hands. Our quest to secure superior lines of coverage is relentless. Our pursuit of impenetrable, bullet-proof risk management strategies is steadfast. We listen to our guts, trust our instincts, and follow the data. We produce results unlike any other agency of its kind.

We Are Purpose Driven

We are focused. We are ambitious. We are determined to improve the lives and livelihoods of all we proudly serve. Clients. Employees. Agencies. Communities. Shareholders. We will not rest until we grasp our brass ring: to be one of North America’s largest and most reputable insurance agencies. Yes. We dream big. We see horizons jam-packed with endless possibilities and untold opportunities.

Hands with heart in between.

We Are Principled

We treat one another with respect and we honor our commitments. We act with integrity, always. We communicate openly and honestly with our people, our clients, our partner agencies, and our investors. Accountable is our middle name. We own our achievements and never get complacent. Challenges are faced head-on. We never give up. Never give in. We strive to do right by every stakeholder, every day. 

We Are Protectors

We are guardians, protecting the health, well-being, and prosperity of individuals, businesses, and families. We analyze data—we devour empirical evidence—to accurately anticipate all conceivable economic and environmental disruptions. We safeguard our partner agencies and valued shareholders from market fluctuations and regulatory reforms. We are fierce employee advocates. We support and encourage our people to climb to the highest rungs of our towering career ladders. That’s who we are.

Thumbs up with stars.

We Are Positive

We are optimistic and future-focused. We may very well be radical idealists because we believe, to the core of our being, that what we do matters. We believe—no, we know!—our work, what we do, improves the health and well-being of our clients, communities, employees, and shareholders We operate with our eyes wide open. We are not blind to tomorrow’s challenges. We are, nevertheless, profoundly enthusiastic about the future.

Your life has value.

Triforta shield.

Commercial Coverage


Whatever your needs may be, Triforta is here to help. We assist our commercial clients with compliance, risk management, safety, employee communication, worker's compensation, and so much more.

Thumbs up with stars.

Employee Benefits


Taking care of your workforce is what we do best. We know retaining talent teams means offering industry-best benefits packages that include unexpected perks without breaking the proverbial bank. And we do; we deliver the most cost-effective benefits packages on the market.

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